ICA Cote D’Ivoire provides capacity building training

The month of September was furnished with various training activities for beneficiaries and agents of ICA Cote D’Ivoire, as part of the capacity building planned in this year 4 project. The first focused on “Connecting the beneficiaries operating in the fields of agriculture and breeding, with the restaurant “MOMIJI”: point of sale of their products in the region of Agboville.

This training took place from 10 to 11 September 2019 in Agboville, with a presence of some village leaders benefiting from the project.

Training for restaurant

The objective is to define the expectations of the beneficiaries of the services of the ICA restaurant in connection with the development of their actions as agricultural producers and breeders in the local agro-food system, for more absorption of agro-pastoral products.

The foundations of a collaboration between ICA and the beneficiaries:

  • For ICA: Technically and economically, to be able to stock local vegetables, it is necessary that the restaurant has a vegetable.
  • For producers: economically, to prosper better, producers must have a safe and guaranteed outcome for their products.

Interactive (conversational) / participatory methodology was used as a moderation technique to allow beneficiaries to become more involved in this training.

Agriculture Training

The second training given by Mr. Isoda Expert from Japan, came for 14 days focused on the production of fertilizers and biological insecticides by the use of local materials to allow beneficiaries to practice agriculture at lower cost. During this practical training that we had during the presence of this expert in the 11 villages of the project allowed us to see also the reality of the progress in the execution of the activities of each component of the project.

We note that after all his years of training given some the villages; some cannot properly breed or market garden. And we have not so far been able to operate the restaurant which was to be one of the key links of social cohesion.

This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, October 2019.