About us

We are a constituted group of 5 persons in Poland, at this stage we do come as a formal organization. The purpose of the group is to establish the Institute of Cultural Affairs Poland.

Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to the conscious development of people, communities and organizations by enabling leaders, employees and citizens to transform their way of thinking and acting, as well as unlock their full potential.

Our intention is to promote entrepreneurship, social participation and cohesion, personal development and the life-long learning model.

Our Values

• We embrace creative and organic growth as the model for our own actions and as a development approach for the communities and organizations that we wish to support
• We are committed to transparency and accountability in all our dealings, legally, financially, but also in our relationships within the team, with partners close to us and with the large ICA family
• We wish to be autonomous and self-sustainable, economically and intellectually. We understand that the first kind needs to be built as in case of any new organization, and we rely on the intellectual capital that we have, while looking to extend it further. For this we will need the support of other ICAs and we will be able to offer support to anyone in need when we can
• We are committed to participatory culture, by first learning to work facilitatively with ourselves and by spreading facilitation all around, into organizations and communities. We understand that this a long term process
• We have a local identity, we are rooted in our own local and professional communities. But we are wide open different cultures and practices, far from being limited by local or national boundaries
• We are interested in discovering the legacy of ICA, to incorporate it into our own thinking and activities, to build on it and to take it further

– Artur Kasza

Email Address: kasza.artur@gmail.com
Phone Number: +48 517 238 511

– Anna Zaremba

Email Address: anna@zaremba.edu.pl
Phone Number: +48 600 879 332

– Małgorzata Kwiecien

– Aldona Królikowska

– Mariusz Bilski

Activity Description

Postal Address

Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City: Warsaw
Zip Code / Post Code:
Country: Poland


Phone Number: +48 517 238 511
Email Address: kasza.artur@gmail.com