ICA Spain

National Member

La Institución de Asuntos Culturales, España (IACE) es una organización sin fines de lucro, comprometida con la formación y facilitación del factor humano. Trabajamos para optimizar procesos de participación, compromiso y empoderamiento del talent humano dentro de toda sociedad y organización en cambio continuo. Lo hacemos a través de metodologías humanistas y psico-sociales.

The Institution of Cultural Affairs, Spain (IACE) is a non-profit organization committed to the training and facilitation of human talent. We work to optimize processes of participation, engagement and empowerment of human talent within any society and organization in continuous change. We do this through humanistic and psycho-social methodologies.

Nuestros Valores

Our Values

Apertura: Ofrecemos un espacio de encuentro a toda persona interesada en nuestra misión y valores.

Openness: We offer a meeting space for anyone interested in our mission and values.

Aprendizaje: Nos consideramos una organización de aprendizaje continuo.

Learning: We consider ourselves a continuous learning organization.

Creatividad e innovación: Creamos e innovamos estrategias para dar respuesta a las necesidades y desafíos de la actualidad.

Creativity and innovation: We create and innovate strategies to respond to today’s needs and challenges.

Consenso dialógico: Capacidad de diálogo para tomar decisiones como equipo.

Dialogic consensus: Capacity for dialogue to make decisions as a team.

Defensa de los derechos humanos: La justicia social, la solidaridad, la libertad, la igualdad y la dignidad de todas las personas.

Defense of human rights: Social justice, solidarity, freedom, equality and dignity of all people.

Diálogo: Creemos en la capacidad consciente y dialógica creando un cuestionamiento activo para actuar en consecuencia.

Dialogue: We believe in conscious and dialogic capacity creating active questioning to act accordingly.

Participación: Como proceso estratégico para el empoderamiento del factor humano, haciéndolo co-responsable y creador de su propio destino y futuro.

Participation: As a strategic process for the empowerment of the human factor, making it co-responsible and creator of its own destiny and future.

Sostenibilidad y permanencia: Creamos un horizonte estratégico que posibilita un desarrollo y crecimiento personal para el presente y futuro.

Sustainability and permanence: We create a strategic horizon that enables personal development and growth for the present and future.

Transparencia y rendición de cuentas: Proyectamos confianza y una imagen de coherencia entre lo que hacemos, cómo lo hacemos y por quién lo hacemos.

Transparency and accountability: We project trust and an image of coherence between what we do, how we do it and by whom we do it.


“Promover una cultura organizacional de participación, compromiso, acción y reflexión, a través de procesos de calidad e inclusión que conlleven a potenciar los valores de una educación y formación intercultural e inter-generacional”.



“Trabajamos para optimizar procesos interculturales de participación, compromiso y empoderamiento dentro de toda sociedad y organización en cambio continuo. Lo hacemos a través de metodologías humanistas y psico-sociales y de alianzas estratégicas con organizaciones afines a nuestra misión.”

Nuestro equipo

Elisa Pérez

Cecilia O'Dwyer
General Secretary

Cecilia Fernández

Catalina Quiroz Niño
Human Development and SDGs Project and Research Coordinator

Natalia San Juan
Collaborative platforms expert & Founder FEMNOISE – Social entrepreneur

Zakia El-Khamlichi
Intercultural Community Development Coordinator (Madrid)

SALMA El Khamlichi

Cinthya Linian
Intercultural Community Development Coordinator (Granada)

Coordinadora de proyectos e investigación sobre comunicación digital e industrias creativas

Nuestras Actividades


Coordinated by: Francisco Javier Encomienda-Blanco (University of Granada), Catalina Quiroz (ICA Spain) and Erika Licón (Dinamismo Juvenil, Mexico)

Submitted to Erasmus for a POTENTIAL 3year Strategic Partnership – 2023-2026

ICA Spain has co-designed together with the University of Granada and 8 more partners-countries from Europe (Italy, The Netherlands and Bosnia-Herzegovina) and three in Latin America (Colombia, Mexico and Peru) the project which aims to: 

  1. Strengthen ethical, transformative and sustainable research, innovation, and digitalisation of local      and circular economy (CE) ecosystems* for generating decent work. Ecosystems comprise HE, VET, SMSEs, Cooperativist community organisations, and local authorities. 
  2. Upskill and re-skill VET, HE, SMSEs, COOPERATIVES, teachers, trainers and facilitators  on circular  economy collaborative e-labs for managing, facilitating local CE ecosystems through the design of a robust CE ecosystems competence framework for achieving the SDGs.
  3. Organise transnational exchanges (EU and LA) of best local CE learning-services practices promoted by anchored local VET, HE and SMEs, within key social economic sectors: agriculture, social-digital, services cooperatives for transferability.



Coordinated by: Catalina Quiroz (ICA Spain) and Peter Riddell (IofC UK)

A 3year Erasmus Strategic Partnership – 2016 / 2019

ICA Spain initiated and co-designed on behalf of organisations from the UK, Turkey, Sweden, and Spain the Erasmus KA2: Cross-borders intercultural and societal entrepreneurs projectThe project aimed at enhancing adult educators’ skills who are working with migrants and refugees from the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, Maghreb and, Latin America.

External assessors of the UK Erasmus agency have given a score of 84 out of 100 and has been labelled as a Good Practice project.  The project methodology was based on participatory action-research applying the methods of the Institute of Cultural AffairsICA Spain


Social and Solidarity Economy in Higher Education -Erasmus+ – United Kingdom (leader), Spain, Portugal, Peru and Bolivia

ICA Spain acted as an Associate to the project.  

Coordinated by: Catalina Quiroz and Margaret Meredith (York St John University)

A 3year Erasmus Strategic Partnership – 2012 / 201


A 3year Erasmus Strategic Partnership – 2012 / 2015

Objectives and achievement of the project:

To make visible within the academic world the nature and practice of the Social and Solidarity Economy, as a system. We were interested in making known its values, actors, beneficiaries, modus operandi, labour competencies and how these aspects were experienced in three geographical areas: Africa, Europe, Central and South America. All this with the purpose of promoting its study and practice within higher education, through curricular transformation.

How was this achieved?

With the co-edition of a manual with 8 sequential chapters on the subject (described below), in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese for those interested in curriculum design. The content of each chapter is based on an empirical study and dialogic approach that was generated collaboratively with academics and social entrepreneurs. Likewise, virtual and physical surveys were applied; dialogic focus groups, in-depth interviews were conducted and case studies were written with the actors themselves, partner universities and project collaborators in the aforementioned geographical regions.


Belieforama – Antidiscrimination training courses

Coordinated by: Catalina Quiroz (ICA Spain) and Zakia El Khamlichi

A 3year Erasmus Strategic Partnership – 2010 / 2012

Facilitation Skills for Antidiscrimination

ICA Spain was in charge of designing this course during the life of the project.  The course is designed for educators and facilitators who seek to gain a deeper understanding of their role as facilitators within racialized and non-racialized communities.  The course offers frameworks, models and methods within which to analyze people’s behaviour and help to determine options for intervening in complex discriminatory situations. Participants become confident in increasing their effectiveness in tackling discrimination in all its forms within their communities. This training module is based on the ICA Spain’s Technology of Participation (ToP): Group facilitation methods (GFM). 

Religious Diversity & Antidiscrimination Training

The Religious Diversity and Antidiscrimination training programme has been the most required by VET organizations in Spain, especially teachers, trainers and facilitators dealing with the subject of “living together”.  The course provides an educational process that brings more understanding and empathy among people with a diverse cultural and religious background.  

Overcoming Islamophobia

More than ever this course offers data, information and knowledge to communities to tackle the generalized and prejudicial messages being disseminated by mainstream media and social media about Islam and its followers.  This course understands that the position of Muslims in European societies is under extreme pressure due to inflammatory discourse.


Ethical practices for intercultural youth workers -Erasmus+ ICA Spain (leader) and Re-Starter, The Netherlands

Coordinated by: Abel Ferrero Tazza and Catalina Quiroz


An 8 month Erasmus+ project for Youth and Politicians/policy makers
Seminar workshop organised and delivered in the Canaries Island, in April 2018

Unethical practices and corruption have eroded youth aspiration and motivation to participate in democratic life. There is a high demand from young people for model of references, who could they aspire to be and to become. The political identity of young adults has been highly undermined by the countless cases of unethical practices and corruption in the last 20 years. Politicians and policymakers need to learn how to re-engage through genuine and open dialogue with young citizens to talk openly about the major cancer that society can experience. Trust-building activities among policy maker and young people are in big demand. There is a cry for good practices on anti-corruption know-how for special areas such as governance, education, health and working environments, according to a survey on an U4 Anti Corruption Online training Course, created to support the  implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption.

The workshop achieved its goals by offering new perspectives and understanding of ethical practices to young members and young politicians from Spain and The Netherlands. Gran Canaria was the place chosen for this activity which lasted 5 days.  The workshop offered new skills and digital tools, including participatory methods and an app called SAY NO, which was offered by the Institute of Business Ethics, from London (IBE).  There was a high interaction among youth changemakers and diaspora leaders from The Netherlands and Spain. They all identified future actions for enhancing active democratic life within their own communities and urged  policymakers and politicians to work for regaining trust from young people.

Location & Contact