About us
Support for Community Response (SCR) is a health, relief and community development non-governmental organization , registered in Kenya under section 10 of Non-Governmental Organisations Co-ordinating Act. Our goal is to strengthen grassroots health, relief and development initiatives among underprivileged/vulnerable community members. SCR works through community organizing, used as a means of effort to obtain better health, economic recovery and development.
Our Mission
Our vision is of a society where the full potential of its members contributes to the well-being and improved living conditions. Our mission is to initiate community action for improved health and socio-economic development.
Our Values
SCR believes in:
i. Collaboration; by establishing strong networks with the communities, stakeholders and strategic partners in pursuit of better results
ii. Integrity by doing what is right and promoting honesty in all organisational undertakings and by being ethically unyielding and honest.
iii. Freedom and independence of mind, of judgment, of action by promoting the spirit of initiative and creativity, as well as tolerating and respecting of others, their culture, and their habits.
iv. Accountability by taking responsibility for all actions
Activity | Description |
Postal Address
Address Line 1: Mariakani
Address Line 2:
City: Mombasa
Zip Code / Post Code:
Country: Kenya
Phone Number: 00254202024769
Email Address: info@scr-kenya.org
Website: http://www.scrkenya.org/