June 30 ICA Japan has received another grant for helping Fukushima reconstruction project in Namie town and MinamiSoma city, which are the affected areas by Fukushima nuclear accident.
Many people in temporary housing have started to move to restoration housing since this spring because the government lifted the evacuation ban. Therefore, ICA Japan has started Fukushima reconstruction project (founded by Japan Theravada Buddhist association) since June 2017. In this project, we will conduct 4 activities, which are 1. Planting flowers seedling in the temporary commercial mall in Namie town, 2. Planting flowers seedling in Happouuchi temporary housing, 3. Greening activities in the riverbed in MinamiSoma city and 4. Conducting the meeting to establish new community association in restoration housing.
It has been 6 years since the Fukushima nuclear accident; however, the affected areas have many big issues and challenges. ICA Japan always welcomes donation for reconstruction in Fukushima.
This month we have been busy preparing the final project reports for ICA Nepal and ICA Cote d’Ivoire Year 2. We are also working with our funder to submit a new proposal in Sindhupalchowk district, Nepal to support the community where the scars by an earthquake 2 years ago still remains. We also spent much time on our fiscal year end report, following the advice guiding us towards a sophisticated audited format so that we will meet the requirements for certificated renewal for another five years. Various new project proposals are being improved and submitted to our funding partners.
Our Cote d’Ivoire team of ten people are hosting two Japanese Experts for two weeks the last week of June and the first week of July. Hideki Kambe (Japanese) is there for the third year, assisting and monitoring the 11 villages and the office work in Agroville. Soon they will buy a delivery truck, and a bit later, they will begin building a restaurant to serve hungry people the delicious fresh food that they produce in the villages. Please see their bi-lingual report in this Global Buzz.
We have been working with Tokyo Immigration preparing the way for three new interns to arrive in August and September. Kaeda Hayakawa is from Japan, Ricardo Bonjean Montrose is from Montreal, and Amber Tamara Gret is from the Netherlands.
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, July 2017.
I am always so impressed by the work of ICA Japan in helping local and other communities around the world grow and thrive. I love how you take a project like planting flowers and build it into a larger project that enhances community connections and leadership. The project in Cote d’Ivoire is the same – growing food, transporting the food and then a restaurant. The ingenuity and long term support of community projects inspire me. Thanks for this great work with local partners! Jane
Thanks Jane!