ICA Japan welcomes new interns

New Interns

We all are excited that ICA Japan’s environment is greatly enhanced now that two new people are here and very productive already! Amber on the left of the photo above is from Leiden University in the Netherlands, and Ricardo on the right is from the University of Montreal. Already they are set to publish our fall newsletter, and researching Community Revitalization for several towns in Japan. This fall they take ToP facilitation training courses GFM, MTW, and FCC, help with social media, and work towards getting 200 members for ICA Japan. All of this while they are helping promote ICA Japan’s new emphasis on ToP® and other courses. They both are university students who conduct this internship as a vital part of their degree. We hope that they can learn from this opportunity and that we can learn from their fresh perspectives.

Trip to Côte d’Ivoire

This month the co-director of ICA Japan, Wayne Ellsworth, travelled to Côte d’Ivoire for 15 days. The trip was made in collaboration with ICA Côte d’Ivoire. During his time there, Mr Ellsworth visited the villages part of the reinsertion project. He also gave training sessions regarding the functioning of a CDC (Community Development Committee) for three days, that were attended by all the village chiefs. Besides Côte d’Ivoire, we are still working on our other projects in Nepal, Kenya and Japan.


We are also preparing ourselves for the annual Board meeting on the 9th of September, and the Global Festa that will be held at the end of September in Tokyo. Additionally, the two new interns are preparing for a field trip to Asago, in the Hyogo prefecture to aid in the community revitalization project, and then to three communities in nearby Chiba.

This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, September 2017.