As part of the renewed implementation project of youth at-risk in the region of Agnéby-Tiassa, the activities of ICA Cote D’Ivoire the month of November were held around the following points:
Activities of the 3 sub-projects
530 laying hens were received at the N’gorankro farm, 19 chicks had died. The mortality rate of 3.58% is standard and we suggest to the beneficiaries’ they should always take our advice. They started to lay at 123 days of age and the beneficiaries have so far collected 30 eggs. Badoukro and Bonikro are ready for another breeding cycle of broilers with 300 and 500 chicks each.Livestock supervisors took part in a conference on Biosafety, organized by Belgian and French structures at the SARA International Exhibition of Agriculture and Animal Resources held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
About Agroforestry: additional plots were set up in the villages of N’gorankro, Ekissi-ho, Niamanzra 1 and 2, Mure, Dey-oboguié and Boka-Oho. Training for the production of compost seeds has been completed. The palm tree plots in the villages of Niamanzra 1 and 2, N’gorankro and BoKa-oho, have received their first organic fertilizer supply. This treatment will promote the growth of the plants. The beneficiaries of Aboudé-Boa Vincent set up a plot of beans at the beginning of this month.
As anticipated the plots in some of the villages are in production. So at Dey-oboguié, harvesting has begun: 19 kg of eggplant and 1 and a half buckets of okra.
Harvests continue in the other localities where projects were initiated. As part of the start of work at the modern farm in N’gorankro, the technician scheduled a visit on Friday, December 8th to meet the beneficiaries to establish their schedule of activities for the development of the site. This is to take place through the installation of nurseries and different forms of composts making. The experimentation with using rice with fertilizer as compost, is now well developed and the results of the experiment will be evident in the month of December
Restaurant construction
The construction of the restaurant that began in the second week of November is progressing well despite the heavy rain we had for a few days. The erection of the walls is on schedule. The construction of the toilets is also expected to be completed on time.
This week we will do the casting of the wall ties. We hope to open the first restaurant that ICA-CI has built, thanks to ICA Japan, in January.
Community Development Committee (CDC)
Regarding the establishment of the Cooperative, that will bring together all the villages that are part of the project, The CDC held a meeting in the village of Niamanzra. At the end of the meeting, the name of the future cooperative was chosen by a show of hands of all delegates. As such, the name that the cooperative will now bear is: COOPERATIVE SOCIETY OF AGNEBY-TIASSA (SCODAT).
The village of Aboude-kouassikro has been selected to house the cooperative’s headquarters. During the meeting all the delegates paid a contribution of 10,000 CFA francs for the operation and the preparation of the documents relating to the cooperative.
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, December 2017.