ICA Japan are ready to publish our 2018 – 2020 Catalog of ToP facilitation courses complete with 8 trainers and a listing of 45 accomplished courses. Paul will begin marketing these programs in September.
Working with ICA Nepal, we are nearly ready to work with Global Giving to raise funds for ending the ancient practice of Chaupadi, the traditional act of banishing girls and women from houses, schools, during their Period, which is still widely practiced. Nepalese people lack the adequate knowledge and information regarding the need to maintain menstrual hygiene, which may lead to serious reproductive health issues. Yet we all know that during the time of their monthly period, girls are in need of personal washing places, sanitary napkins and comfort. Our project “Lets talk period!” has a clear goal. We will provide the production of low cost sanitary napkins and transformational hygiene education to 5000 young women.
You can help us in this goal. Please tell everyone about this noble project and prepare to support us in September. We must raise on-line donations of at least US$5000. from 40 or more concerned people. Next month, we will fill you in on how to support us with as little as $15, which is only one nice meal at a restaurant. After we succeed with this particular campaign, we can enter other ICA projects needing support.
We did a half day of Personal Styles training, in preparation for our offering a course introduction at the annual Global Festa two day event September 29 and 30. About 20,000 young people will pass by our booth and learn that ICA Japan offers valuable training as well as strategic projects for Japan and overseas.
We had two very productive ICA Japan Board & Staff all day long meetings using Japan style long talks followed by workshops. The heart of these two days was the total board were included and made a new statement of our common Philosophy, Value, Principle, and Mission:
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, August 2018.