Providing Opportunities for a Disadvantaged Group
ICA Nepal in coordination with the ICA Training Center is going to host a free three month cook training course. The training will be especially beneficial to youth who are unemployed. Additionally by taking this short term basic cooking course, they will have a general knowledge of cooking that will enhance their opportunity for employment or in the establishment of small business of their own. The training is supported by the government of Nepal and the Education ministry under the EVENT project. The training is free of cost.
Global Giving: Let’s Talk Period
ICA Nepal has always been actively promoting the menstrual hygiene management programs, especially in schools. We have conducted several programs in the rural parts of Nepal to eradicate the taboos related to menstruation. Continuing our work, last month we collaborated with ICA Japan to collect donations for the project through Global Giving. Hence, September was the last month for donations. Both ICA Nepal and ICA Japan promoted the project in their networking. ICA Nepal is glad to work in association with ICA Japan. We hope to continue the menstrual hygiene management awareness program in the coming months too as it is an abhorrent issue in Nepal.
Welcoming an ICA Japan Colleague
ICA Nepal warmly welcomed the Structural engineer, Dr. Toshio Okoshi from ICA Japan last month. ICA Nepal is constructing a Community Training Center in Sindhupalchowk. The project is supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan and ICA Japan. Dr. Okoshi spent two weeks in Nepal to observe the construction activities. In this regard, he visited Sindhupalchowk and the construction site of Training Center, which was carried out under his supervision.
Leadership Style training for ICA Nepal staff
To enhance the capacity of the organizational staff, ICA Nepal arranged a short leadership Style Training course for the staff on the last Friday of September 2018. This capacity building training was facilitated by Mr. Atma Ram Timsina, who is a professional trainer, and has been associated with ICA Nepal since it’s establishment. The training was designed to help the organization run in a smooth and efficient manner. In the first half the staff were given a short form to fill in. In the second half the filled in forms were analyzed by the facilitator and the leadership style of each member of staff was determined. The training was very interesting.
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, October 2018.