A sharing and dialogue series hosted by the Institute of Cultural Affairs Asia Pacific with sharing from ORP, CPYen Foundation, HarmonyWorks, Leadership Inc. Shenzhen and others
We are globally and locally at a time of crisis and separation we hope by exploring some of the successes in profound dialogue it will reveal approaches that might be used by others to move toward reconciliation and healing.
We invite you to a series of four 2-hour sessions. Each sharing is a local Asia Pacific successful or ongoing case. Our intention is to use this opportunity to explore experiences and ways to deepen discourse toward peace and authentic respect.
The sessions
· Oct 19 Korea Social Dialogue For Peace And Unification Building Of Korea with ORP Korea
· Oct 26 Taiwan Revealing the Power of Dialogue – cases from “Dialogue Impact Award hosted by CP Yen foundation (CPYF)
· Nov 2 China “Promoting Children’s Public Participation and Women’s Leadership Shenzhen hosted by Leadership Inc. Shenzhen
· Nov 9 Malaysian Building Bridges in Cross Cultural Dialogue Harmonyworks and others
· Nov 16 Regional Dialogue – Emerging Story and Next steps – ICA Asia Pacific with participants from any of the earlier sessions.
Times (17:00 -19:00 China/Taiwan/Malaysia; 18:00 – 20:00 Korea/Japan; 14:30 – 16:30 India; 2100 -2300 Wellington)
Language: The sessions include tri-lingual language support in English, Chinese and Korean.
Registration Fee: We will not charge a fee since the collection costs are so high across so many countries, we invite you to give a donation to a local organization that is promoting authentic dialogue. In the program we will share some options.
The Institute of Cultural Affairs has for the past sixty years explored ways to collaboratively engage individuals, communities, and organizations to build capacities for self-reliance and human development. We are honored that other individuals and organizations are joining to share their work and expand the reach of the invitation. The Institute of Cultural Affairs International (ICAI) is a global community of non-profit organisations advancing human development worldwide. ICAI is about empowering an authentic and sustainable transformation of individuals, communities and organizations.
Each session is composed of three parts:
· Sharing experiences of Authentic from a specific Asia Pacific context
· Reflection on the Sharing
· A group dialogue to share your experiences, with the intent to impact the future of civil discourse locally.