ICA Japan reports on UN NGO conference in Korea and other news

UNNGO2016Attendance at the 66th UN NGO Conference in Korea

ICA Japan Board member, Shizue Inagaki attended the 66th UN NGO/DPI Conference “Education for Global Citizenship” on behalf of ICA International. There were 5 Roundtables and 55 workshops, and her chosen workshops were Education for Global Citizenship through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), and Community Driven Education: Local Ownership for Global Advancement. Shizue has an 8 year mission to Cote d’Ivoire to build an entirely new education system, starting with nursery schools.

Partnering with ICA Nepal

ICA Japan began months ago re-building portions of the earthquake heavily damaged women’s learning centre of ICA Nepal that ICA Japan helped to build in 2002. The building is nearly finished, and several additions will begin soon. Also we are funding the creation of a production of low cost women’s sanitary napkins, to be produced by the young women themselves.

Partnering with Cote d’Ivoire ICA

ICA Japan continues working with ICA Cote d’Ivoire for the second year with 5 new villages. In April Wayne lead Community Development training with these five villages which included broadening there prospective using ICA’s Programmatic Chart, deepening their strategy of development using ICA’s four sets of Principles, and gathering six month action plans. Now Shizuyo Sato is there to follow up with dialogue about year 3 funding and to offer 45 villagers leadership training, including GFM. Materials are available in English and French.

Ending our 5 year partnership in Madhepura, Bihar, India

We just completed building three community centers and our partner conducted many training programs. We are settling the accounts and preparing for audits.

Proposal Writing for two Countries

We are writing two proposals for Climate Change. Our recent exchange with a possible funder revealed that they now want to be more specific about what we are proposing to do. Our answer was dry land agriculture and water development, with much training and community building. We have received the second proposal, are adjusting the budget and preparing to translate to proposal.

New Websites ready for Development

We secured two new domains –for promoting training,and for promoting SRT healing. Your ideas for websites and facebook notes are most welcome.

This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, June 2016.