This short report to the upcoming online meetings of the ICAI General Assembly (GA) today was prepared to summarise the ICAI Board‘s activity since the last GA in December, relative to the 3 strategic directions of our 2015-16 strategy:
Fostering Global Connections & Collaboration to Support ICAs to Thrive
Support Peer-to-Peer Collaboration & Capacity Building
- We have supported the face-to-face ICA regional gathering of the Americas in Peru in April, and are supporting preparations for 4 more this year – E&S Africa in Uganda in August, W&C Africa in Togo in September(?), Europe MENA in the UK in November and Asia Pacific in India in December
- We have supported monthly online gatherings of Asia Pacific and offered monthly online gatherings of Europe MENA region
- We have supported the Global Technology of Participation (ToP) working group, but there has been no activity of the Global Conference working group to support
Facilitate Inclusive Global Communications
- We have supported the Global Communications team to produce regular issues of Winds & Waves magazine and the monthly Global Buzz, and amplified distribution on social media
- We have continued to post members’ news updates to the ICAI website, and support member ICAs to complete & update their own ICA profiles
- We have used the ICAI Global Media Channel (google hangout/youtube) to host ongoing online dialogues on development and disability, and invite others to suggest other topics
- We continue to report Board and other news in regular contributions to the Global Buzz and Winds & Waves
Gather, Synthesize & Share Info/Data of Value to our Membership
- We received & shared responses from 64 ICA representatives and other readers to a Winds & Waves magazine online readership survey
Develop & Strengthen Global Partnerships
- We have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding for a global partnership with the International Association of Facilitators (IAF), and are inviting 3 ICA reps to join a joint working group with 3 IAF reps
- We arranged for ICA Japan Board member Shizue Inagaki to represent ICA International at the 66th United Nations DPI NGO Conference in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea from 30 May-1 June “Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together”
Boosting ICAI Resilience and Safeguarding the Integrity of our Global Community
Strengthen Organizational Resilience & Sustainability
- We have developed more robust financial management, invoicing and reporting systems
- We have collected dues payments to increase statutory membership up to 22
- We have managed and earned income on investments that were left to ICAI as a legacy last year
- We have drafted 2017 budget options and questions for discussion at the June GA
Safeguard the Integrity of the Global Membership
- We have welcomed 2 new members approved at December GA – NCOC Kenya & SCR Kenya
- We have supported applicants for memberships to complete nomination papers for a new Associate member in India (HCDI)
- We have continued to work with prospective applicants in Russia (Moscow & Siberia), Czech Republic, Poland, France & the Philippines
Recognizing & Leveraging ICA Wisdom & Nurturing New Leadership
Recognize & Appreciate Contributions/ Achievements
- We have regularly published available ICA news updates to new website
Strengthen and Share our Collective Wisdom & Approaches
- We supported Nelson Stover and others to contribute & submit “Developing transformative leadership through authentic, diverse participation” as a formal statement to the 15th session of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) held on 18-22 April at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Share & Nurture Global Leadership within the Membership
- We have begun to prepare for ICAI Board nominations & elections process leading to elections in October