EPDI Nigeria aims at enabling the release of individual and corporate potential for sustainable development, which occurs when people are meaningfully engaged in the change process that impacts their lives, organizations and communities they belong to. In 2016 we carried out the following activities:
1. In-School Youth Program tagged “Life Skills and Sexuality Education” has continued to impact the lives of the students from different schools in Lagos and Ogun states. The program equips youths with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and lead productive, effective and successful lifestyles.
In 2016, we worked with two schools namely: Star Diamond International Schools and Melville College, Berger-Ojodu, Lagos and impacted the lives of over 200 adolescents/teens.
Below are comments from some of the students:
- “The programme has helped me in my studies – to work hard, at home to obey my parents, and it has just changed my life” – Christabel
- “Made me understand that obedience is accepted by God; to be disciplined, serious and have integrity/ saying the truth and standing by it always” – Ekemini
- “Before I experienced this topic I was anger prone. Any action I must retaliate or react to it but immediately I heard about the topic I learnt that every action must not need a reaction. From there I learnt how to control my anger. Although it was hard but I got to control it” – Oyewole
2. Promoting Participatory Processes in Rural Communities across Nigeria, ECS-EPDI Partnership – implementation of a component of the project Recuperating the Space of Civil Society in Rural Nigeria (Phase III).
EPDI has been at the forefront of promoting the participation and involvement of everyone in the things that affect them, which brings about commitment and achievement of plans and decisions. EPDI carried out the Community Leadership Programme: a three-day training was held by EPDI on ICA’s Technology of Participation on February 10 -12, 2016.
The purpose of the training is to equip community leaders with knowledge and skills for mobilizing community members, especially women, to participate in the project. During the training, participants were taken through processes for engagement and getting “buy-in” from members of the community. The programme was held at the Iloti Primary School, with a total of 48 persons made up of representatives from Iloti, Ereji, Abidagba (Itamapako area) and Iwase (observers) in attendance.
3. Community Leadership Training and Inauguration of Community Development Forum (CDF) at Itamapako, Ijebu-Ode Central LGA, Ogun State (Nigeria) on July 14, 2016. The topic facilitated by the Executive Director was “Leadership Attributes: Learning Gender Equality”, and the objective was to identify leadership practices in local communities that foster women participation, pointing out how best women participation in CDF can be ensured, as well as how to reinforce and improve on the practices with respect for gender equality/equity and how this can be achieved.
4. IITA’s Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop for Cassava Weed Management Project Extension Workers April 18 – 20, 2016. The Executive Director was invited as one of the trainers in the three-day workshop for Extension workers from Abia, Benue, Ogun and Oyo States. The objectives of this training was to provide knowledge that will equip participants to train farmers on weed control, to refresh skills and minds to be more effective in mobilizing at community levels and to facilitate the adoption of improved/best practices, among others. The Executive Director facilitated different topics including the Opening Conversation, Tao readings, Participation, Conflict Management, Teamwork, Effective Meetings, Creation of an Action / Work Plan.
The programme was insightful for the participants as they expressed the usefulness of the programme to the task they were embarking upon based on their new knowledge and information on team-building, with practical exercises and TAO Readings, among others.
5. Shared Vision Workshop for Baptist Church Ugboroke, Warri Drama Group: the workshop held at the Church premises on April 23 – 24, 2016.
A plan was created for the first time for the group, which they are working on to revitalize the group. Individuals expressed the benefits they personally derived from the workshop, apart from the impact on the group.
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, December 2016.