ICA West & Central Africa region meets in Togo

togo-4From the 24th to 25th of November 2016, the  representatives from ICAs  and its associate members in West Africa gathered in Lomé at the  Bella Vida Hotel, hosted by ICA Togo.

12 people from 5 Organization attended the meeting that wanting to achieve the following objectives:

  • Share individual and collectives experiences during the past 12 months
  • Make a 3 year plan to assess our difficulties, successes and current challenges
  • Draw a collective action plan for the next 12 months
  • Present the first draft of our common proposal and discuss about how to move forward.
  • Refresher training on proposal writing.

Dealing with the Vision statement, participants of the meeting wanted to have a well known Network of skilled ToP facilitators, building capacities and promoting the sustainable development of communities and organizations, in West and Central Africa.

Talking about  sustainability of the region and ToP Training for regional members countries, participants have decided that:

  • A members country should begin to identify self income generating activities
  • A members country should upgrade its skill in ToP methods to begin training
  • ToP facilitators in various countries should help assist countries which do not have the skill between January and June 2017
  • Refresher training should be organized during 2017 in Benin.

togo-7Knowing, that alone, each of us is weak and voiceless, we want to work together. This idea germinated last year in Cote d’Ivoire. We have revived this idea through a common proposal in West Africa. The common proposal intends to deal with promoting Cassava production and its value change.

At last, we have a refresher training coarse proposal in writing.

This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, December 2016.