The ToP Facilitation Essential program, pioneered by ICA Associates Canada, is now being prepared for Comprehensive Endorsement by IAF. Once it is approved most ICAs with a few ToP facilitation trainers will be able to offer a way to IAF members to get themselves prepared for IAF certification using ICA and ToP courses.
The final course in the series, Facilitating Client Collaboration, has been tested in four different countries and works. The other two courses are the ICA standard Group Facilitation Methods course (known as TFM, Level 1, GFM1-2 in some countries) and Meetings That Work that is already available in several countries already. If you want to get up to speed on this program, contact Bill Staples, ICA Associates Inc.
Anna Babych, the only Certified ToP Facilitator in Austria, has lead an ICA Ukraine team over the past year translating into Russian and editing The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Wisdom in the Workplace by Brian Stanfield.
The work is done and the book has been sent to iUniverse for publication. It will be available this fall for US$3.99 as an e-book, and around US20.00 in hard copy. The Russian title is Искусство Сфокусированной беседы 100 способов доступа к групповой мудрости в рабочей среде. This is another book in the work of ICA Canada publishing ICA’s ToP body of knowledge.
This post was written for ICAI’s monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, August 2017.