This short report to the upcoming online meetings of the ICAI General Assembly (GA) on 10 December was prepared to summarise the ICAI Board‘s activity since the last GA in July, relative to the 3 strategic directions of our 2015-16 strategy:
Fostering Global Connections & Collaboration to Support ICAs to Thrive
Support Peer-to-Peer Collaboration & Capacity Building
- We have supported 3 face-to-face ICA regional gatherings – West & Central Africa in Cote D’Ivoire in September, Europe MENA in the Netherlands in November and Asia Pacific in India in December
- We have supported monthly online gatherings of the Asia Pacific region and offered monthly online gatherings of Europe MENA region
- We have supported the Global ToP facilitation working group and the Global Conference working group to implement the decisions of the July GA
Facilitate Inclusive Global Communications
- We have supported the Global Communications team to produce regular issues of Winds & Waves (W&W) magazine and the monthly bulletin the Global Buzz, and amplified distribution on social media
- We have developed and launched a new website in WordPress and enabled member ICAs to post and update their own ICA Worldwide profiles and news updates – 11 ICA profiles updated to date, and W&W and Buzz updates cross-posted to the website
- We have grown the ICAI presence on Facebook & Twitter and integrated them with the website
- We have used the ICA Global channel on Youtube to host weekly online dialogues on development and disability, and other topics
Gather, Synthesize & Share Info/Data of Value to our Membership
- We have surveyed the global membership on their ToP facilitation capacity, use and aspirations for the Global ToP working group – 28 responses received to date
Develop & Strengthen Global Partnerships
- We have agreed in principle to enter into a global partnership with IAF, and invited the Global ToP working group to respond to IAF’s draft Memorandum of Understanding
Boosting ICAI Resilience and Safeguarding the Integrity of our Global Community
Strengthen Organizational Resilience & Sustainability
- We are developing more robust financial management and reporting systems – for this reason invoicing (and therefore payment) of member’s dues has been delayed, however all are now invoiced
- We have received the investments that were left to ICAI as a legacy last year
Safeguard the Integrity of the Global Membership
- We have welcomed 3 new members approved at July GA – SNF Uganda, ORP Korea & EPDI Nigeria
- We have supported members & applicants for memberships to complete nomination papers for 2 new Associate members, NCOC Kenya & SCR Kenya
- We have continued to work with prospective applicants in Russia (Moscow & Siberia), Poland, France & the Philippines
- We have supported colleagues of NIRADO Nigeria and Itereleng Itereleng ICA South Africa working on renewing ICAs on those countries
Recognizing & Leveraging ICA Wisdom & Nurturing New Leadership
Recognize & Appreciate Contributions/ Achievements
- We have regularly published available ICA news updates to new website
Strengthen and Share our Collective Wisdom & Approaches
- We have published on the new website the ICA Handbook by Terry Bergdall and updated Chronological History of EI & ICA by Beret Griffith
- We have supplied print-on-demand sales of 15 copies of ICA Nepal’s book Changing Lives Changing Societies, re-published by ICAI in 2013 (income $185)
Share & Nurture Global Leadership within the Membership
- We have begun to prepare for ICAI Board nominations & elections process leading to election in June prior to face-to-face Board meeting at August Global Conference – may delay to election in December of Global Conference is postponed